Australian Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil 10ml

Backhousia citriodora

Backhousia citriodora is native to Australia originating from northern rainforests. With amazing healing properties, Lemon Myrtles have been used in health and dietary practices by Aboriginal (indigenous) Australians for thousands of years.





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Lemon Myrtle Oil Benefits & Uses

  • Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil has a fresh, sweet, extra-lemony aroma that is very uplifting and joyful. In aromatherapy, Lemon Myrtle has a reputation for being mentally uplifting and a natural antidepressant, and its sedative properties help to relax and calm the mind in times of stress.
    Add a few drops to your Aromatherapy diffuser and enjoy the aroma.
  • Make your household cleaner much stronger.
    Add a few drops to any select cleansers. With its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, Lemon Myrtle Oil is an extremely effective ingredient for sanitising products.
  • Through its anti-fungal, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, this oil is beneficial for relieving muscle pains and inflammation.
    Dilute it with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil and massage sore muscles.
  • Lemon Myrtle Oil is known as one of the strongest natural remedies for warts and Molluscum Contagiosum as a result of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Pure Lemon Myrtle essential oil has a high citral content of over 95%, which makes it a highly effective oil in the treatment of warts and Molluscum Contagiosum.
    To apply on the skin, make sure to dilute this oil with a carrier oil (5%-10% dilution recommended).



Data sheet

Botanical Name
Backhousia citriodora
Plant Part
Whole Plant
Steam Distillation
Country Of Origin
Strong, citrusy and lemon-like

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