Pure Essential Oils Supplier in Australia

Essential Oil Singles

Have you been looking for quality essential oil supplies in Australia? Don’t look any further. purelyBlack provides a variety of pure essential oils tailored for you. 

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  • Rosemary Essential Oil 10ml


    Rosmarinus officinalis

    Rosemary is one of the most popular aromatic and medicinal plants. Rosemary essential oil is derived from the dried herb of Rosmarinus officinalis. Its aroma is strong, characteristic of camphor and herbs.
    Rosemary Oil smells quite similar to Eucalyptus Oil. This is because both Rosemary Oil and Eucalyptus Oil share significant amounts of cineole, also known as eucalyptol.

  • Clove Bud Essential Oil 10ml. Oil Of Cloves For Toothache, Mould...


    Eugenia caryophyllata 

    Clove Essential Oil, also called Eugenia Oil, is extracted from the buds of Cloves, native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia. With its warm, robust and spicy aroma, Clove Oil has traditionally been used to treat respiratory problems and help support immunity and digestive issues.

  • Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil 10ml


    Eucalyptus citriodora

    Lemon Eucalyptus Oil is distilled from the leaves of the lemon eucalyptus tree. This incredibly versatile oil is a wonderful natural air freshener, clearing the air and killing germs. It is also widely used as a natural bug repellent. 

  • Lavender Essential Oil 10ml


    Lavandula officinalis

    In skincare Lavender has been renowned for its natural cleansing, soothing and rejuvenating properties which may be beneficial to those suffering from acne and other skin conditions.

  • Vanilla Essential Oil 10ml For Aromatherapy Diffuser/Fragrance...


     Vanilla planifolia

    Vanilla Oil is very rich, warm, and sweet, and has a subtle wood-like aroma. Pure Vanilla essential oil, derived from the CO2 Extraction Method, has many medicinal properties and can be beneficial for your health in numerous ways.

  • Lemon Essential Oil 10ml


    Citrus limonum

    Pure Lemon essential oil is amazingly versatile and beneficial in use, making it one of the best essential oils to have handy in the household. 

  • Lemongrass Essential Oil 10ml


    Cymbopogon citratus

    Lemongrass Oil is collected from the leaves of Cymbopogon citratus. The oil has a lovely fresh, citrusy aroma, offering a variety of benefits that have been widely used in traditional medicine for many years. Lemongrass Oil's citrus-herb scent makes it a great oil to diffuse.

  • Australian Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil 10ml


    13.95Backhousia citriodora

    Backhousia citriodora is native to Australia originating from northern rainforests. With amazing healing properties, Lemon Myrtles have been used in health and dietary practices by Aboriginal (indigenous) Australians for thousands of years.

  • Jasmine Absolute Essential Oil 3% 10ml


    Jasminum officinale 

    Jasmine Essential Oil is derived from the flowers of Jasminun officinale. With its exotic, romantic, rich floral fragrance, Jasmine has been used as one of the best ingredients for perfumes. This product is already diluted with Jojoba oil so you can apply it directly on your skin.

  • Sandalwood Essential Oil 10ml


    Santalum album

    Known for its sweet, earthy aroma, Sandalwood Oil has been used as a natural remedy for many minor illnesses, such as urinary tract infections and the common cold.
    Sandalwood Oil improves mental clarity, and its potent anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties help treat skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 10ml


    Cananga odorata

    Ylang Ylang is well known for its intoxicating, relaxing properties. Ylang Ylang Oil is used to treat stress, depression and anxiety. It is also used for general skin care, especially for oily skin.

  • Peppermint Essential Oil 10ml


    Mentha pipereta

    Peppermint is one of the most versatile essential oils available and has been used to treat health issues for thousands of years. It is an excellent oil for treating headaches, muscle aches, joint pain, cold sores, and itching. Peppermint essential oil is also beneficial to relieve common IBS symptoms like pain and bloating.