Oregano Essential Oil 10ml

Origanum vulgare

Oregano essential oil is a very energetic and powerful essential oil. It is one of the best preventative and proactive essential oils available for addressing a broad range of health conditions.





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Oregano Essential Oil For Cold & Flu 


  • People have traditionally used Oil of Oregano for respiratory health. It’s also become a popular alternative remedy for cold and flu symptoms. Carvacrol, main chemical component of Oregano, is a helpful antimicrobial agent. It is beneficial to treat viral or bacterial causes of a cough. 
  • Oregano Immune Support Blend
    Enhance the therapeutic benefits by blending oregano with other essential oils.
    Try one of the many powerful Oregano essential oil diffuser blends for immune support.
    - 2 drops Oregano
    - 3 drops Lemon
    - 2 drop Clove Bud
    - 1 drop Cinnamon Bark
    - 2 drop Eucalyptus Blue Gum
    - 2 drops Rosemary

    Add a few drops to a steam diffuser or bowl of hot water. Or inhale it directly from a bottle. Diffuse it. Dilute it and apply it to the skin.

Wild Oregano Oil Skin Benefits

  • Wild Oregano Oil is used as a potent antifungal agent. It is beneficial to treat skin infections and skin disorders such as oral thrush, yeast infections, infected toenails or fingernails, and athlete’s foot, warts, thanks to high levels of thymol.
  • Oregano is effective at reducing acne-causing bacteria on the skin.
  • Oregano Oil is also beneficial in healing sores, wounds, cuts and scars. Dilute a few drops of Oregano essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the affected area.



Oregano Essential Oil should be used to the skin in very high dilution ratios. Using a 1% dilution is generally considered a safe guideline for topical application. Use 2-3 drops with 10ml Carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil.

Avoid during pregnancy or breastfeeding


Data sheet

Botanical Name
Origanum vulgare
Plant Part
Steam Distillation
Country Of Origin
Herbaceous and sharp

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