Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil 10ml

Citrus racemosa

Pink Grapefruit has been used for centuries as it offers a variety of health benefits. Pink Grapefruit essential oil helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. It is also well-known for its ability to break down body fat and support a healthy metabolism.





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Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil Benefits & Uses

  • Grapefruit Essential Oil helps in losing weight by increasing the metabolism and managing appetite.
    Mix a few drops of Grapefruit essential oil with fractionated coconut oil and gently massage the stomach. 
  • Grapefruit essential oil has a variety of skin benefits. It has potent antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Grapefruit oil is beneficial to treat acne blemishes and keep the skin’s immunity strong against air pollution and UV light damage.
  • The aroma of grapefruit is uplifting, soothing and clarifying like other Citrus oils. If you need to replace Grapefruit oil, other citrus oils like Bergamot, Sweet Orange, and Lemon would be excellent substitutes.



This oil can cause a photosensitive reaction. The maximum dilution ratio for topical use is 4% to avoid photosensitivity. 


Data sheet

Botanical Name
Citrus racemosa
Plant Part
Cold Pressed
Country Of Origin
Sweet, citrusy and fresh

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